Five stock photos to take this fall


Summer may be over, but every season change brings about new beginnings. New holidays to look forward to. New coffee drinks in the cafés. New sweaters!

As I’ve mentioned before, fall is high season for stock photo buyers. The more good photos you can add to your portfolios right now, the more potential you have to make sales through the holiday season and beyond.

Here are five subjects to shoot right now that sell like crazy this time of year:

Fall foliage & outdoor beauty. If you live in a place where the leaves are changing, you’ll of course want to photograph them. But even better is to capture colorful leaves as part of a story or concept. For example, the photographer below is using leaves as a prop, but the image is really all about having fun and the joys of being a kid.

Colorful fall backgrounds. Here’s an easy one to do indoors. Start by picking up some leaves or other fall-themed items (check the craft store if your trees stay green all year) and stage some shots on your kitchen table. Think in terms of texture and color to create some great images that can be used as a backdrop for text. Remember, designers love these types of images and they need them for all seasons! 

Fall Chores. Weather changes, foliage, and more make for all kinds of fall housework. When you set out to rake leaves or clean the gutters…why not take your camera and turn it into an income opportunity? Buyers need images like these to advertise home improvement, home services, how-to articles, and more.

Everything cozy. Brisk autumn mornings inspire a lot of people to dig out their sweaters and bundle up. Look for ways to capture the cozy vibe in your fall-themed images. Even if you live in a warm environment, you can still pull out some sweaters and stage a cool-weather shoot with a friend in a café, ice rink, or even right on the floor with items and accessories.

The fun of the season. Speaking of having fun, fall brings so many special events, such as cider pressing, harvest time, and preparing for Halloween. Plan some fun outings and find a willing model (or five) that wants to come along for the adventure.

Fall brings so many potential subjects, that it’s just a matter of picking your favorites, grabbing your camera, and getting out there!

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